Here are several visuals that you can use on your social media to promote the lifting of patents on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.
Solidarity with the striking health workers
The European Network Against Commercialisation of Health wishes to express its full solidarity with the striking health workers in December 2022
It notes that the trend towards the commercialisation of health care is widespread and leads to limited access for the population to health care, together with poor working conditions.
These poor working conditions, and the lack of attractiveness for young people, lead to a shortage of staff, which creates a vicious circle: poor working (...)
22 December 2022 -
En/Du - April 7 Campaign: Call to Demonstrate
April 7, 2022, To make World Health Day "Our World Health Citizen Day"
The public policies carried out throughout Europe in the field of health and social protection, in the name of a debt that is not our own, have led to a continuous and now dramatic deterioration:
Massive cuts in hospital beds, closures of services, maternity wards, local hospitals emptied of most of their activities, medical desertification, concentration of health and social establishments, increased privatization, (...)
6 April 2022 -
Press release : European Week of Action against the Commercialisation of Health The commercialisation of health: the other pandemic!
Every year, several networks of trade unions, citizens’ groups, NGOs and social movements organise actions in different European cities for World Health Day (7 April).
In 2019, the European Network against the commercialisation and privatisation of health and social protection organised a conference with MEPs. That year, some of them signed a declaration of principles committing themselves to defend accessible health for all, outside the commercial logic. This year 2022, we will meet them (...)
29 March 2022 -
7 April Campaign: European Action Week against the Commercialisation of Health
Every year, the European Network Against the Privatisation and Commercialisation of Health and Social Protection organises a day of action on 7 April, World Health Day.
Over the past two years, the Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the shortcomings of our health systems. In this pandemic context, the imperatives of public spending restrictions, profitability requirements, commercialisation and privatisation of health have reinforced the glaring lack - already denounced well before the crisis (...)
16 March 2022